30 August 2023

17:45 - 20:00

Gentilino Lugano

66 CHF

Have you ever observed how things evolve much more smoothly when you give up contol when you allow them to happen instead of making them happen.

When we build up our trust we don’t need to micromanage everything ..We let go and open ourselves to all sorts of wonderful possibilities.

Surrender literally means to stop fighting with yourself with the universe and the natural flow of things.

It’s not about inaction. It’s about taking action from that place of trust and grace.


We will move and breath together in order to tap and connect to our inner world and infinite potential, disconnecting from the buzzing life. After this you will just lie on your back to receive Life-Force energy (Prana-Qi). The innate universal energy widely discussed in several ancient medicinal practices such as Naturopathic Medicine, Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.

The energy is transmitted through the crown, it works to alleviate any stagnant energies within the higher chakras before reaching the root chakra where eventually the energies of the transmission and one’s own kundalini energy, begin to flow both ways. This combined with music, healing sounds, frequencies to allow the vibrations to penetrate deep into the tissue.

The oscillation, or resonance of molecules, triggered by the sound vibrations cause alternating compression and relaxation of cells. It is, in effect, a form of massage at a cellular level.

Once activated it unleashes a mechanism within the body that can heal, transform, upgrade our DNA and even connect you with super consciousness taking us back to that true essence of innate state of joy and contentment.

WHAT YOU COULD EXPERIENCE: tingling sensation, energy flowing throughout the body, visions, emotional release such as crying, screaming, laughing, and kinesthetic movements such as asana and mudras. 

After this you could feel increased awareness, mental clarity, feeling wholeness or oneness, a decrease in anxiety or depression, and relief in body aches and pains.

Full Moon Sound Healing 26th January

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